Home Quizlist Credits Contact Us Medical Trivia Quiz Finals - Miscellaneous Round
1. Eskimos never eat polar-bear liver, knowing it to be toxic, and husky dogs, instinctively, also avoid it. Its consumption may lead to drowsiness, headache, vomiting, and finally losing the outer layer of skin. What is the toxic substance? 2. An inventor called Earl Bakken saw a Frankenstein movie as a kid and became fascinated in the use of electricity to reanimate people. What did he end up inventing? 3. This disease has been known since the days of the crusade especially among the northern European population. The incidence of this disease was reduced by the introduction of potato to Europe in 17th century. In 1800 something was down to reduce the incidence of this disease due to which the British came to be known as Limeys. What disease, and what was done? 4. In 1489, during Spain’s assault on Granada, Spain had mercenaries from Cyprus, where they were fighting the Ottomans. After their arrival, soldiers started having headache, high fever, rash, swelling, darkening of face, which later lead to delirium and stupor. It also lead to gangrene, with rotted toes, fingers and other body parts, and a hideous stench. 3000 died in the siege, but18000 died of the disease. What disease are we talking about? 5. Arsphenamine or Salvarsan, was found in 1909 to be an effective anti-syphilitic. It was nicknamed 606. Why? |