Science Quiz Finals - Answers to Specialty Round
Astronomy: 2112. Animals: He is a male with a silver back. Genetics: Seed coat colour is an expression of the genes of the parent plant, while seed cotyledon colour is expressed by the genes of the seed itself. So having a gray seed coat colour does not necessarily mean that the seed is homozygous for a gray seed coat colour, it only means the plants that bore the seed had both recessive genes (for gray seed coat colour) and hence bore seeds with gray seed coat colour. Now these seeds may be homozygous for gray seed coat colour (in which case their progeny will have gray seed coat colour) or heterozygous (when the progeny will have white seed coats). Chemistry: Copper. Indian Science: Manali Kallat Vainu Bappu.
Einstein: The Brownian Motion. Answers to Scientific Sense Round Answers to Miscellaneous Round Do not close this window. You can use this window to open answers side by side to the questions using the links on the left. |