India Quiz Prelims - Answers
1. Indo-China War, 1964. 2. Mahashiyan di Hatti. 3. Voltas. 4(a). Mohammad Ali Jinnah. 4(b). Poor eyesight. 5. On territories not under the political control of the Marathas, in return of not attacking them. 6(a). Karan Singh. 6(b). Rajesh Pilot. 7. Adequate nutrition - 2400 Cal per person per day for rural areas, and 2100 Cal per person per day for urban areas. 8. Vadodara. More on Etymology of Indian Cities. 9. Trick Question: There were no horses in the Indus Valley Civilization! 10. Bush's cat is named India Ink. 11. Eveready. 12. Ravana. 13. Srimad Bhagawat Mahapuran. 14. Nakul, during the Ajnatavasa. 15(a). 1/40th of a paisa. 15(b). 1/8th of a paisa. More on the Old Indian Monetary System. 16. Shaka Samwata New Year. 17. Indian National Army - Short for Japanese Influenced. 18. Vijay Mallaya. 19. Raga Priyadarshini. 20. It's a female performer - All others are male. 21. The Chakravyuha. 22. VK Krishna Menon. 23. The Tower of Silence, Mumbai. 24. Jayaprakash Narayan. 25. Home Rule League. Do not close this window. You can use this window to open answers side by side to the questions using the links on the left. |