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Orage 2001

1. Spiral galaxies with long drawn-out limbs.

2. The world was created. The Reverend calculated the date using the ages of patriarchs and making suitable adjustments.

3. Gordon Moore.

4. Testing of the Atomic Bomb.

5. The Hebrew University, Israel.

6. The length of Beethoven's Ninth (Choral) Symphony.

7. Tungsten = W from Wolfram.

8. Gold.

9. The shell will dissolve, leaving the egg rubbery and pliable.

10. Future Chinese astronauts.

11. Werner Heisenberg.

12. The Geological Ages of the earth - Cambrian, Silurian, Ordovician, Devonian, Carboniferous, Jurassic, Permian, and Triassic respectively.

13. Little Green Men. Astronomers thought a pulse so regular in its timing was an artificial beacon sent by an extra-terrestrial species. 

14. The Coelacanth.

15. The Milky Way and the surrounding galaxies forming a group - includes the Magellanic clouds, and the Andromeda and Leonid galaxies..

16. Uri Gagarin.

17. Sighting of Halley's comet.

18. The Pleiades (in box) and the Hyades (in circle).

19. Tux, the mascot of Linux.

20. Pascal's calculating machine.

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