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Orage 2001

1. Hamlet.

2. Brönte. The first work of the Brönte sisters.

3. A Midsummer Night's Dream.

4. Jules Verne's 20000 Leagues Under the Sea already described such an instrument.

5. Moon, sixpence; inspiration for his later book The Moon and Sixpence.

6. Voice. The Bremen Town Musicians did not play any instruments.

7. Hercule Poirot.

8. All books were started in prison.

9. Arithmetic.

10. Which side of egg to break first.

11. Gunga Din.

12. Somerset Maugham.

13. Roald Dahl.

14. The cocaine solution that he used to inject.

15. Karl Marx.

16. Encyclopaedia Britannica.

17. The Red Cross.

18. Chinese.

19. Frederick Forsyth.

20. Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

21. John Grisham.

22. Rudyard Kipling.

23. Three Men in a Boat.

24. The Naval Treaty.

25. Alexander Selkirk, inspiration for Robinson Crusoe.

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